Category Archives: Janini Panini

The Panini Has Landed with a Word from Europe

Memphis Millions, Disco Samba and the June Lodge vinyl

Memphis Millions, Disco Samba and the June Lodge vinyl

Hello. That’s English for ‘Hello’ because I’m in The Netherlands where everyone speaks English! I always feel like a dickhead going to a non-English speaking country flapping my gums and speaking the only language I know how to speak in my shrill North American accent. But alas, I’ve been reminded that I’m not that much of a dickhead (I still sound American) and it’s ok to speak English in Holland, so chill bruh.

After 25hrs, I finally made my destination (and yes, it took me 2 weeks to write a post – jet lag and complications bitches). Flight was great! I was flying with some delicious New Zealand rugby players, wine was flowing and the woman next to me only tried to put her bum on me twice. Then things started to get dark and I remembered that I took quite a strong tranquilizer before boarded and just like that – boom, I’m knocked the fuck out – for 10 hours. I SLEPT FOR 10 STRAIGHT HOURS on an international flight. If that doesn’t break some kind of record I don’t know what will. When I finally came to I was in Abu Dhabi. I won’t bore you with details but there was a shit-ton of cheese, Arab bread and wine. I was happy.

On my second day here, my friend Tom arranged for us to have a play date. We took a train to Antwerp, Belgium where my day was filled with sites, strong beer and vinyl shopping. There was soooo many records and look, as an amateur, I wanted them ALL. Classics, new shit, obscure French Canadian country hits, local music and so much more. However, I bucked the fuck up, kept it real and for 13 Euro I think I made off with quite a steal. Los João’s Disco Samba literally made me dance like I was in carnival and I couldn’t pass a throwback to 70s soul and funk with the Memphis Millions LP (featuring Isaac Hayes’ theme from Shaft!). I took it easy on this trip as my friend has a lot of records already (such as June Lodge and Rick James), but I’m eager to get more. Stay tuned.

Tot ziens. (that’s Dutch for ‘see you later’)

Listen: Los João – Disco Samba

Listen: Isaac Hayes – Theme to Shaft

Listen: June Lodge – Somebody to Love

Listen: Rick James – Give it to Me